About Us

About Us

By relying on its valuable knowledge and 13 years of experience in the field of distribution and sale in Tehran province, the national distribution company of Merdas Fidar Rounika started working in October 2020.

The highest aims of the organizations are producing and distributing quality products through observing all the standards existing in great distribution companies along with optimal and conscious monitoring of all stages done in the supply chain.

The future perspective of the national distribution company of Merdas Fidar Rounika is as follows:

Expanding the portfolio of Zarkhah brand with an emphasis on producing quality products consistent with the taste of the Iranian consumers

Cooperating with reputable brands producing quality products especially the ones included in the group of souvenirs and necessary goods.

Making efforts to obtain a share in the optimal market and make products easily available to consumers all around the country by systematic and intelligent distribution management.