Full Description

Barberry (berberis) is a 1–5 meters tall spiny shrub with red, brown, or yellow shoots. Its thorn-leaves are oval-shaped and its fruit is red, oval-shaped, and tastes sour.

Health benefits of barberries

Barberries are used to help treat inflammation and different infections in the body. They help treat bladder, urinary tract, and digestive system infections. Barberry fruit is more effective than its root in fighting urinary tract infections. Other benefits include helping sore throat, nasal congestion (stuffy nose), sinusitis, bronchitis, and other problems of the respiratory system. In addition, barberries can help treat fungal skin infections.

Barberry is produced from more than sixty native types in Iran and the best Iranian barberries are from Qaen County in South Khorasan Province. It is a great antioxidant and puffy barberries are dried in a special way, making them high-grade among the different types.

Given that storing and packaging are the most important factors in the quality of the final barberry product, Zarkhah Barberry comes from the best farms of South Khorasan and is stored in standard warehouses with proper temperature conditions.

Zarkhah Barberry is packaged using state-of-the-art technologies and high-quality cutting-edge materials to preserve and protect the product.

Sorting processes is carried out before final packaging to separate bad, dark barberries as well as leaf and shoot residue remaining from drying.

Vacuuming in these packages are perfect for barberries as the air in the package is removed. Nitrogen flushing by automatic machines is the next step. Finally, the package is sealed immediately to keep barberries fresh.

One of the important factors in the quality of the final product for Zarkhah is using refrigerator cars and refrigerated warehouses to store barberries.

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