Full Description

Plum is a nutrient-rich drupe or stone fruit with different types in terms of color, shape, and size. It can be eaten fresh or cooked in various dishes.

Plum is rich in minerals such as phosphorous, manganese, magnesium, copper, and potassium. It also has zinc, iron, and some calcium.

Kharv, a suburb of Nishapur, is the plum capital of Iran. The main product of the town is prune, a dried plum used in Iranian cuisine.

After plums are picked from the trees in the best orchards of the area, they are transferred to Zarkhah production line, while observing sanitary protocols. Next, they are washed, peeled, and dried in standard conditions.

Like barberries, prunes are packaged in special conditions; vacuuming and nitrogen flushing is the highest-quality packaging for prunes to preserve and protect them. In addition to the standard packaging and as another part of their high-quality production, prunes are stored in refrigerated warehouses and transferred in refrigerator cars before the final product becomes available to customers in stores.

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