Full Description

Currant is a very tasty nut with many benefits for human health. It gives a very delicious taste to foods such as cakes, jams, and so on. You can get amazing nutrients through regular consumption of currant because it is rich in iron, antioxidants, and fiber.

Obtained from different species of grapes, currant, sunflower raisin, and rice raisin are very similar to each other. Currant is the scarcest one among these three types. Currant is completely black and red and tastes relatively sour and, unlike other types, it grows on shrubs of grapes. First-class seedless currant is among the best raisins available in the Iranian market.

Properties of currant:

1- A good source of nutrients:

Currant naturally contains less sodium and is free of fat and cholesterol but it is full of vitamins and minerals. Currant is rich in iron, potassium, calcium, and B vitamins as well as dietary fibers and antioxidants.

2- A good source of energy:

Consuming 100 grams of currants gives you 1,184 kJ or 283 kcal of energy as well as 74 grams of carbohydrates, exactly what you need during work and activity. You can eat currant with breakfast cereals every day or add it to the ingredients of your cakes and then have a slice of the cake whenever you need more energy.

3- Energy conservation:

Since currant is full of B vitamins, it can keep you energetic and vibrant throughout the day. As you know, B vitamins play a major role in converting food into energy. Therefore, currant can facilitate this conversion in your body and give you more energy.

4- A good source of proteins:

Currant also contains proteins; therefore, it helps you to enhance your muscles. If consumed as a daily snack, currant can increase the speed of muscle building in your body. It is interesting to know that currant can be an alternative source of proteins for vegetarians.

5- A good source of vitamins:

In addition to B vitamins, currant is rich in C, E, and K vitamins. These three vitamins, respectively, are beneficial for the immune system, cellular health, and bone structures of the body. The positive changes of currant in your body will amaze you shortly after you start consuming it regularly every day.

Different types of currants in the Iranian market:

Three types of currants are generally supplied to the Iranian market:

-    Uzbek seedless currant
-    Afghan seedless currant
-    Iranian seedless and ordinary currant

Iran currants may be red or black, whereas the first two types are always black. Most Iranian currants are seeded and rarely seedless.

Zarkhah Company employs the latest method and the best and most up-to-date materials to pack Iranian currants in 350-gram packages. Before final packaging, all currants are carefully sorted to separate dark currants and the remaining leaves and stems from the drying process. These packages are vacuumed in a way to perfectly suit currants and similar nuts. For this purpose, packages are first emptied using the air vacuum method, then filled with plenty of nitrogen, and finally closed immediately. This preserves the freshness of the product until it is unpacked to be consumed.

One of the issues that add to the quality of Zarkhah products is the use of refrigerated vehicles and warehouses equipped with a refrigerator.

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